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What you need to know...
  • We ask that there be no spectators during your child's first 8 lessons, so that he or she can bond to their instructor and build trust, confidence, and love.

  • All lessons are visible through our closed circuit television system


  • Many early learners require more than 10 days of instruction. Check with the desk for more openings or call 559-924-SWIM.


  • We teach swimming based on the theory of spaced repetition; "Daily practice is better than once a week." It is important that your child attend all 10 lessons.


  • The water is always at least 88 degrees and maintained above the Health Departments standards for public pools.

What you need to do...
  • Trust the process of spaced repetition. If your child is protesting give him/her a lot of praise, encouragement, and keep coming!


  • Inform your child's instructor if they have any special needs. These include any "bad experiences" in the water (accidental falls in the pool/near drowning) or any allergic reactions or medical conditions (bee or wasp stings, asthma)


  • Notify the desk of any upcoming absences.


  • Please be prompt in picking up your child after lessons. Another eager swimmer is waiting!


  • Apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before your child's lessson. This allows for the product to soak into the skin and work more effectively.


  • View your swimmer's progress on the final 2 days of the session. We welcome all proud family members to come and cheer your child's success. Also, feel free to talk with Ron or Mary about your swimmers progress and what to expect next!




Payment is due on the first day of instruction. Cash or Check only.


There will be a $25.00 fee on all returned checks.


No child will be allowed to leave the pool area during or after lessons unless accompanied by a parent or authorized adult.


Make up lessons are available due to illness or emergency. It is your responsibility to notify the school prior to an absence in order to schedule a make up lesson.


Lessons will only be canceled due to lightning and will not be made up. We do, however, swim in the rain!


No refund will be issued after the first day of instruction.


No disposable diapers allowed in the pool. Swim Diapers must be worn if not potty trained.


Ponytail holders required for long hair.



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